EuGine Living In this world

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Feel lost in a whole which has no sign board, the two roads in front of me seems like the same , if only and only I know where will I end up to.

No matter how rational man he is, love and only love has the ability to mislead him either to the fairy land or the hell on earth where he is feel into a deep black hole where he himself alone will experience what is the meaning of eternal sadness.

How a guy fall it love with a girl , for me explaining how we fall in love doesn’t need any major research or doesn’t need any professional to explain what it is.

For a man to fall in love , the most important thing is the 1st impression , the 1st time u saw the 1 u love , the sensory neuron in your eyes will mislead or should I say cheat u, releasing false impulse confusing yr mind ,and you interpret the information wrongly, than u will talk to yourself I had never seen someone so pretty before.

The 2nd reason falls in love with when u feel she has a lot in common with u , time fly trough when u chat with her, u feel her happiness and sadness, he will even love her more if she loves the thing which u love too… every time you hear her name ,look at her photo or any thing related to her a beautiful smile will be presented on his face.

The best thing that money couldn’t buy is to c her smile, to have this smile he will do what every he can to make her happy..
When she is not around u will feel very uncomfortable, u keep taking out and putting in yr handphone all this effort is just try to made a call o her…

This is how the journey begin and u are now walking freely and happily toward the gate of fairy land , and jazz about u think u are entering the gate a stop sign came, u have to choose between 2 roads because someone had block the road , this is where I get lost…


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